Please excuse all spelling and grammatical mistakes, my mom first language is French, but she loves to express herself in English.....

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fish Oil subject

Hilde last email about amount and study:

Hello again Catherine,
We are very grateful that you are sharing the information about the study with so many people.
First on price and transportation: We have found a reasonable shipping service which operates with a unique price for all of the United States. The price for 6 bottles Norwegian Fish Oil Liquid Omega-3 and shipping included, is Euro 217. It equals approximately $ 342 depending on the exchange rate.
If you should wish to place an order, click on the shopping cart, then select your country, USA, on the left side. The rest should be easy.
When the scientists chose this particular product, they looked for high levels of DHA and EPA while the product must also not be tampered with chemically. They looked for these specific qualities in products from different suppliers all over the world, not only on the Italian market. It is possible to obtain a higher concentration of the fatty acids, but this compromises the natural quality of the fish oil. So they did not want a high concentration product. Also they checked the documented levels of dioxins, PCB and pollutants, which they found to be very important for this patient group. On all these aspects the product is far better than the required levels set by the industry and/or the authorities.
As for dosage, we have the recommendations by Dr. Claudio de Felice and his colleague Dr. Youssef Hayek at Le Scotte Hospital in Siena, Italy:
Children up to 10 years of age: 1 teaspoon (5 ml)
Children over 10 years of age, and adults: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) twice a day.
Please notice that when consulting with the doctors individually, they measure oxidative stress and set the dosage for each patient based on that. The above recommendation is a general conclusion based on average values for their total amount of patients as of today, and is the best way possible to achieve a correct dosage without individual examination. Please also notice that the dosage information applies to Norwegian Fish Oil Liquid Omega-3, on which the study has been done, and the results have been achieved using this specific fish oil only.
Best regards,

 In the meanwhile
Did my own research about Fish Oil Omega -3 and found
Ian was very helpful and concern with the Rett girls. His free guide is very informative on how to select a pure fish oil and he had the kindness to give me the link of what he think is the best product for the best price. Please follow link:

I ordered some today and plan on giving a try with Alexandra. I believe on Dr Claudio de Felice study even if it   was done on only 20 Rett girl. He is working on the Oxidative stress please see article at 

Hope all of this is helpful and not confusing. Do not hesitate to contact me. 

1 comment:

  1. Catherine, I totally appreciate your posts on here about this fish oil study. I have been trying to follow all of this too and have been pretty skeptical that there is a study that's being done on just 1 specific brand of fish oil - seems a little strange to me. We used fish oil with Annie when she was younger (ages about 2-4) we used Carlson's because it was supposed to be the purest form we got it from our chiropracter and were basically told to take as much as she could handle - since she had a g-tube that wasn't an issue and we were able to give 2 tsp 1X/d - we saw no changes at all except that she has the most beautiful skin, however we now do olive oil and see the same glowing fresh skin. Recently I thought the information has changed and that Krill oil was supposed to be purer and higher concentrations of PUFA's. I hope hope hope this does show benefit for our Rett girlys but seems a little "fishy" :) Keep us posted on how your sweet Alexandra does with the fish oil you are trying. Hugs!!! And thank you so much for posting this, it's been so helpful!
